The Book of Mormon "is a record of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas," according to the introduction to the book.
Listed here chronologically are some of those inhabitants:Jaredites - Descendants of Jared 2, his brother and his friends. Under guidance from the Lord, the Jaredite colony crossed the ocean in barges to the promised land. The colony became a great nation, but the wickedness of the people finally resulted in their destruction by wars and contentions. The people of Zarahemla (Mulekites) found the last surviving Jaredite, Coriantumr 2, and obtained his partial history from a stone. A more complete Jaredite history was discovered later and is abridged in the book of Ether. (Ether 1-15). C 2200 B.C. to c. 580 B.C.
Mulekites - A name not found in the Book of Mormon but often used to denote the followers of Mulek, son of King Zedekiah. They escaped from Jerusalem to the promised land about the time Lehi 1 left Jerusalem with his followers. The Mulekites (people of Zarahemla) were eventually discovered by the Nephites who, led by King Mosiah 2, had fled from the Lamanites about 120 B.C. The Mulekites then became part of the Nephite nation. (Mosiah 25:2,13) c. 587 B.C. to 270 B.C.
Nephites - Descendants of Nephi 1 and his followers. After fleeing from the impending destruction of Jerusalem, crossing the ocean and landing in the promised land, the families of Lehi 1 and Ishmael 1 split into two factions, the righteous led by Nephi 1 and the wicked led by Laman 1. (2 Ne. 5:9) The division existed except for a period from about A.D. 70 to about A.D. 231, during which time the people were united. (4 Ne. 1:17) Later any person who accepted the gospel was a Nephite. (4 Ne. 1:36) c. 588 B.C. to c. A.D. 421.
Lamanites - Descendants of Laman 1 and his followers (2 Ne. 5:14), known by that name until a period from about A.D. 70 to about A.D. 231, during which the people were united. (4 Ne. 1:17) Later any person who rejected the gospel was numbered among the Lamanites. (4 Ne. 1:38). From c. 588 B.C. on.
Jacobites, Josephites, Zoramites 1, Lemuelites, Ishmaelites - Descendants of other members of Lehi's followers. Generally, though, they are not distinguished by those names, but rather, by the broad classifications Nephites and Lamanites. (Jacob 1:13-14.) C. 588 B.C.
Order of Nehors - Those who followed Nehor 2, the Nephite apostate. (Alma 1, 14.) c. 91 B.C. to c. 81 B.C.
Anti-Nephi-Lehies - Lamanites converted to the gospel by the sons of Mosiah 2. (Alma 23:5-18) Thereafter they refused to take up arms against the Lamanites. (Alma 24:6, 12-19.) They suffered at the hands of the Lamanites but were protected by the Nephites. (Alma 24:20-27; 27:21-25) Also known as Ammonites or the people of Ammon 2. (Alma 27:26). c. 90 B.C. to c. 43 B.C.
Amalekites - Nephite apostates, who followed the order of the Nehors. (Alma 21:2-4.) They stirred up the Lamanites against the Anti-Nephi-Lehies. (Alma 24:1) c. 90 B.C. to c. 74 B.C.
Amulonites - Descendants and followers of Amulon and the priests of wicked King Noah 3. (Alma 25:3-5) They stirred up the Lamanites against the Nephites (Alma 25:3-5) They stirred up the Lamanites against the the Nephites (Alma 24:2), and slew the believers of Christ. (Alma 24:1), took up arms against the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (Alma 24:2), and slew the believers of Christ. (Alma 24:28). They usurped the Lamanite leadership and persecuted the Lamanites. (Alma 25:5). They were eventually slain by the Nephites and Lamanites. (Alma 25:4,8) c. 90 B.C. to c. 77 B.C.
Amlicites - Followers of Amlici. (Alma 2:11) They were a Nephite faction desiring a king. (Alma 2:9) They united with the Lamanites, but the combined forces were defeated by the Nephites. (Alma 2:24-35) c. 87 B.C.
Ammonihahites - Inhabitants of the city of Ammonihah. They burned the scripture, slew the believers of Christ (Alma 14:8), and imprisoned Alma 2 and Amulek. (Alma 14:22) They were eventually destroyed by the Lamanites. (Alma 16: 2-3,9) c. 82 B.C. to c. 78 B.C.
Zoramites - Apostate sect of Nephites and followers of Zoram 3, (Alma 30:59) They believed falsely that they were the elect and worshipped with set prayers. (Alma 31:12-23). Alma led a mission to reclaim them but had success only among the poorer segment of the people. (Alma 32:2-6) They eventually united with the Lamanites. (Alma 48:5) c. 74 B.C. to c. A.D. 3-9.
Amalickiahites - Followers of Amalickiah. They refused to enter into the covenant of Moroni 1 to follow the cause of freedom. (Alma 46:28). Some were put to death because of their refusal. (Alma 46:35) Others fled with Amalakiah into the wilderness and united with the Lamanites. (Alma 46:28-33) c. 72 B.C.
King-men - Those who desired to alter the Nephite law to establish a king over the land. (Alma 51.) c. 67 B.C.
Note: After the visit of the resurrected Christ to the Nephites and Lamanites, and for about 200 years, the people were unified and there were no manner of "-ites" among them. (4 Ne. 1:17.)
Additional Information
Peoples of the Book of Mormon
2200 B.C.
Jaredites. c. 2200 B.C. to c. 580 B.C.
600 B.C.
Mulekites. c. 587 B.C. to c. 270 B.C.
Jacobites, Josephites, Zoramites 1, Lemuelites, Ishmaelites
c. 588 B.C.
500 B.C.
c. 588 B.C. on except for period when there was "no manner of -ites."
c. 588 B.C. on except for period when there was "no manner of -ites."
100 B.C.
c. 74 B.C. to c. A.D. 3-9
c. 72 B.C.
c. 67 B.C.
Order of Nehors
c. 91 B.C. to c. 81 B.C.
c. 90 B.C. to c. 43 B.C.
c. 90 B.C. to c. 74 B.C.
c. 90 B.C. to c. 77 B.C.
c. 87 B.C.
c. 82 B.C. to c. 78 B.C.
A.D. 100 - 200
No manner of "-ites"
A.D. 200 - 440
Nephites (Believers in Christ)
Lamanites (Unbelievers)