D&D 5E - First 5E Session - Some Inevitable Rules Questions

The game itself went very well, but we had a couple of questions about the WotC pregen characters we used that we couldn't figure out, as well as some general rules questions. We all played pregens from the WotC website (not the LMoP pregens, but the ones that have character sheets for levels 1-10) -

Last night my group played its first ever 5E session. My group have all played D&D for 5+ years (and some for over 20+ years!) and we just finished a 2 year 3.5E campaign and decided now was a good time to give 5E a try. None of us are new to D&D, but we are all new to 5E. We’re playing LMoP and decided to just use pre-gen characters so we could spend the session playing, rather than constructing characters.

The game itself went very well, but we had a couple of questions about the WotC pregen characters we used that we couldn't figure out, as well as some general rules questions. We all played pregens from the WotC website (not the LMoP pregens, but the ones that have character sheets for levels 1-10) - http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/character_sheets

Firstly, I was playing the Drow Rogue. On his skills it has a * next to the Perception and Stealth skills, but I couldn’t figure out why they were there or what they signified. Also, he has Stealth +7. Dex is +3, Proficiency is +2. Where is the other +2 from?

Another player had the Halfling Monk. Both his Shortword and Unarmed Strike did +4 damage. He gets +3 damage from his Dex, but we couldn’t figure out where the other +1 was from.

Finally, we had a question about regaining Hit Dice. The rules state that:

At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a number of dice equal to half of the character’s total number of them (minimum of one die). For example, if a character has eight Hit Dice, he or she can regain four spent Hit Dice upon finishing a long rest.

Does this mean that the most Hit Dice you can ever recover is half your character’s total hit dice, or is that just referring to how many Hit Dice you can recover in one long rest?

For example, I am an 8th level Fighter. I have 2 Hit Dice unused when we stop for a long rest. Do I recover 4 Hit Dice from the rest (for a total of 6 Hit Dice) as that is half my character’s total hit dice? Or do I recover 2 Hit Dice from the rest (for a total of 4 Hit Dice) as I can never have more Hit Dice than half my character’s total hit dice?

