Rodney Propp Spous: Eleanor Heyman (divorced)
Rodney Propp Famili: Samuel J. Heyman (former father-in-law)
Does Rodney Propp have any children? What are the names of Rodney Propp's children? What are the ages of Rodney Propp's children?
How old is Rodney Propp? When is Rodney Propp's birthday? Where is Rodney Propp born? Where did Rodney Propp grow up from? What's Rodney Propp's age?
Rodney Propp Born: 1965 (age 58years)
Propp was married to Eleanor Heyman, daughter of American businessman Samuel J. Heyman. They have since divorced. They have three children: Stella Propp, Juliette Propp, and Clara Propp.