Destee Klyne The Movie Database (TMDB)

s focus the search bar p open profile menu esc close an open window ? open keyboard shortcut window b go back (or to parent when applicable) e go to edit page (right arrow) go to next season (left arrow) go to previous season


s focus the search bar

p open profile menu

esc close an open window

? open keyboard shortcut window

On media pages

b go back (or to parent when applicable)

e go to edit page

On TV season pages

(right arrow) go to next season

(left arrow) go to previous season

On TV episode pages

(right arrow) go to next episode

(left arrow) go to previous episode

On all image pages

a open add image window

On all edit pages

t open translation selector

ctrl+ s submit form

On discussion pages

n create new discussion

w toggle watching status

p toggle public/private

c toggle close/open

a open activity

r reply to discussion

l go to last reply

ctrl+ enter submit your message

(right arrow) next page

(left arrow) previous page

